One Point of Contact for IBM Data Solutions

Data Management Bundles

Integrated Data Management Solution Bundles

Database Migration/Upgrades: A Common IT Challenge 

Your IBM-based system has run well for years, deployed on the technology of the day -- at that time:  SCO UNIX, DEC Ultrix, or NCR Systems with System V Unix. The solution has given you very little problems over the years: Scalable, Easy to Manage, Low TCO. But the hardware, application or the version of Informix you use has reached its end of life. Your user base wants to update the system—get away from green screens to a web-based user interface. It is time for a change.

document-look Read how One Point Solutions can assist you with Upgrading or Migrating your DB2 or Informix-based system to a new platform


IBM Informix & DB2 Continuous
Availability Options


Do you have a plan for the inevitable?
We can help you achieve readiness:

  • Plan to avoid system failures now, not after failure and costly downtime.
  • Ensure the continuity of your business systems.


If you need failover and backup planning for one or more IBM database systems, replication between database systems from IBM & multiple vendors / locations, or “five 9s” of availability— just a few minutes of total downtime a year, we have a solution for you. One Point can help you implement IBM database technologies that provide nearly continuous availability and be prepared before disasters occur.
